A recent round of late winter rains has once again helped to slowly alleviate the drought and has activated a mixed bag of spring fishing options. Late season steel, rainbow and brown trout, large-smallmouth bass—Trinity-Lewiston-Grass valley lakes, Trinity River where to go and what to fish for; a good problem to have for those catching spring fever and itching to stretch a line.
Category Archives: Trinity Fly Shop 2014
Golden Stones (For Shades of Steel)
One of the major highlights of late season steelheading on the Trinity River is the annual emergence and hatches of golden stones. The Trinity’s rich and fertile tailwaters are ideal for Golden stones. The upper 40 mile reach, Lewiston-North Fork, is heavily populated with a smaller golden stone – Skwala (size 8-10-12’s) while the mid to lower river supports mixed populations of both Skwala and larger golden stone varieties – Calineuria (size 4-6-8-10’s). Populations flourish throughout the system, available for months, and are key bread and butter; Trinity steelhead eagerly key in on both the nymph and adult stages and when available crush’em.
Blast from the Past (New Old Goods)
Other than a clean slate, about the only parts of inventory I can deal with are searching out the Trinity Fly Shop’s attic while tallying back stock. For some strange reason, I always seem to discover rare, weird, sometimes cool, misplaced, lost and or forgotten items hiding in the dusty nooks and crannies; attic treasures. This year I didn’t let anyone down and would like to share with you the following oldies and timeless goodies.
Welcome 2014 (A Quack’n Good Time)
Hopefully you all had a chance to get together with family and friends for some down time and enjoy the holidays. Always good to come together, chill and recharge the batteries.