Summertime Tuts and Tips (Livin’-Enjoying the Moment)

Catch and Release

Slippery when wet release

Not to beat a dead dog but I feel sharing the following is appropriate, especially since it coincides and occurred on the heels of our last month’s blog. Drum roll— just a few days ago we had our very first, 32 years of operations, last minute guide trip cancellation because a customer’s grandson expressed no desire or interest for the outdoors and, according to the grandfather, could not get him off the motel couch playing video games. Wow, bizarre, yet not surprising, especially after what we experienced last month. Oh well, different strokes for different folks. I do feel for the grandfather, especially after purchasing his grandson a new fly rod, making all the detailed preparations and taking the time traveling up here. Is this the beginning of the new generation?

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Who Are We and Where Are We Going? (Old School Ain’t So Bad)

Trinity River

Next generation young blood, Mason Sayre, doing the tighten-up; aerial style

For the most part I believe people find Pat and I easy going, except when the Giants flounder or fish have lock-jaw, and we generally don’t raise our hackles over petty events or issues. However the past week was totally out of whack, strangeness in bunches, blindsided by a series of unusual happenings, all related to the electronics era, that made us question why is this happening and how do some people survive.

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Hugging The Banks With Bank Huggers by Kit Kreick

Few people know Lewiston Lake like Trinity Fly Shop guide Kit Kreick. He has devoted over half of his life fishing, guiding and unraveling its year-round challenging fisheries. He wrote this article for the Trinity Fly Shop’s ANGLERS UPDATE back in 1996. Since Lewie has been firing off lately, I thought it would be appropriate to recycle his insights on such a unique tailwater fishery. Enjoy and apply-Herb

Lewiston Lake bank hugger

Wading Lewiston Lake is the most effective approach for bank huggers

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Whiskey is for Drinking-Water is For Fighting

Shad on!

Denise Palmer & Kit wearing shad smiles-2014 Shad runs will be dictated by river or rivers supporting favorable water qualities.

Trinity Lake

2014 Trinity Lake at 52 percent capacity

California is experiencing one of the driest years on record. Less than fifty percent annual rainfall, virtually zero snowpack and low Lake levels; translating—DROUGHT. Central Valley water deliveries have been drastically cut and water agencies are scrambling to rob Peter to pay Paul with state wide deliveries. The only problem is there isn’t really any water to rob. Unless there is some unforeseen significant late season (May-early June) rainfall, what we see is what we get.

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