Own world: Life on the gravel bars

It’s been awhile and despite any rumors, we’re still here and, for the most part, operating in full stride. However I should mention it’s odd, one day you wake up and you’re getting aced by a slew of mega who’s who, free this and discounted that on-line retailers. How’d that happen? Guess we simply don’t know any better we shouldn’t have a destination retail fly shop. Just kidding! Your support and appreciation trumps the alternative. Our commitment and passion, helping you and your friends, fuels the stoke and enforces our labors of love. We’re approaching our 37th fall season and there is nothing else we would rather be doing. So keep in mind, as long as we can stretch a line, twist bugs, and provide services and deliver local advice to help you and your friends score and have a great time Trinity Fly Shop will always be Your Local Source!!!

SHAKA-Shad Groms, Mason Sayre and Brantley Fred scoring at “Little Egypt”

SHADDING FOR SANITY & GREAT FUN– is also largely why I’ve been under the radar. For the past five weeks we were busy with our annual private shad camps. Nothing like catching  springtime Central valley rivers dropping and attracting fresh pulses of stripers, shad, spring chinook and steelhead; a final blast of chrome before low flows and the summer doldrums. While shad may not rank as popular as trout or other anadromous fish they have a respected loyal following; most steelheaders are shadders and shadders steelheaders—it’s all about the grab. Often forgiving and regardless single hand, switch, spey, ultra-light conventional gear, shad crush flies, rip and tear and provide opportunity for exciting multiple hook-ups; not to mention there is always the chance of bonus fish sniffing you’re your offerings and heightening the unexpected experience  (A ten pound striper was landed right in front of camp). This year American-Feather-Yuba flows were high (6000-11, 000 cfs.) yet fished well. Runs were solid and shad seemed a bit larger than average (a few hens pressing over 5-6 lbs.). The combination of high flows and fresh slabs challenged the unsuspecting under gunned, accounting for broken rods and parted 0X tippits. Without a doubt, highlighting the 2019 shad season and camps was celebrating 36 years of shad camps with the original (1st) Headers-Hunters camp that included three generations of shadders. What a hoot! Everyone left with ten fingers and toes and as we all have religiously vowed, what happens at shad camps stays at shad camp! I do have the liberty to mention, 2019-Rule #10, Old Shadmen rule C U next year!

BLUE COLLAR PARADISE- After a huge (148%) snowpack prolonged spring-summer runoff, TR flows are finally subsiding, lake capacities have filled, trails into the Trinity Alps wilderness are accessible and local fisheries are in primo shape and firing off.

Kit feeling the thrust through a 1965 Scott glass rod.

Handful of TR Loch leven.

TR Fly Only Waters-Flows dropping 50 cfs. a day and will ultimately drop to 450 cfs. Aug 5…Despite current high flows (1100 cfs.) anglers are scoring fishing the soft edges and mid-lower tailouts with streamers, nymphs, skaters and dead-drifted dries. A mixed bag of PMD’s, Yellow Sallies and Caddis hatches have also been occurring mid-late afternoon through evenings and fish are beginning to key  and scarf emerging- drifting adults. We are elated to witness high flows have purged last winter’s sediment bars, as a result of the CARR fire, purging from Hoadly and Deadwood creeks. It will be interesting to see how this pans out with the next significant rains. Until then the river is groomed and habitats appear promising.

TR Spring Chinook – Salmon season opened July 1 and lead springers are turning the corner and slowly arriving in Lewiston. Currently, best reports coming from Pigeon Point, Junction City and Douglas City. A few spring-summer steelhead have also been reported. Early birds, crack of dawn, get the best shots at spring-summer chrome. Mid-day fish develop heavy eyelids and difficult.

Trinity Lake-Full lake capacities have helped to make 2019 one of the best bass fishing season in many years. Both large and smallmouth bass fishing has been off the hook. North end upper tailings, East Fork, Hay Gulch, Captains Point and rocky points in the lower end around Papoose all good early-late prospects. Heat of the day, target deeper water columns in main channels and river mouths. Late evenings, warming temps have ignited some exciting top water action. Trout fishing has improved and streams (N & E Trinity-Coffee Cr.-Swift-Stuarts Fork) are now fishable in upper regions.

Louie-Louie is also about rainbows!

Lewiston Lake-Reduced flows have helped fish zone in specific habitats and key on prevailing food sources. Although Lewie supports plenty of shore and wade waters a floating devise, for approach and mobility, greatly increases your odds for success. Target points, tapering flats and channel waters with clear camo sinking lines-sink-tips, streamers, leeches and soft hackles. Straight line nymphing has also been effective fishing smaller mayfly nymphs and midge pupas. Burps of Callibaetis activity is still providing some surface, subsurface activity while damsels are just beginning to attract some interest in and around the lower flats and woody structures. DFW has recently planted Lewiston, providing great opportunity for youth and those less fortunate at handicap and designated public access areas. Boat, pram, kayaks-available at Pine Cove marina, Louise will hook you up. Lodging for family and friends, Lakeview Terrace has recently been remodeled and the place for comfort, fun and convenient for stretching a line. Good Grub & Spirits-Lewiston Hotel has also recently been remodeled and sure to pacify your thrust and taste buds.  See Ya in the Shop or on the H20!!!

Shad Camp Head Hunters – 36 years and three generations strong!